Screen KEEP FLASHING Very BAD when Sprites are animated

Flashing VERY BAD,

I loaded all my sprites though cc.Sprite.create(“Resources/XXX.png”);

I improved by preloading the assets to the cache first and create Sprite through this way

this.*sprite=new cc.Sprite;
var bg_tex=cc.TextureCache.getInstance.textureForKey;

My question, how can I completely get rid of ALL FLASHING when Sprites are animated.

You can view our sample code in SpriteTest.js , the URL is :

the animate code like this:
var animFrames = [];
var str = “”;
var frame;
for {
str = "grossini_dance
" + (i < 10 ? (“0” + i) : i) + “.png”;
frame = spriteFrameCache.getSpriteFrame(str);

var animation = cc.Animation.create(animFrames, 0.3);