runAction not executed when invoked from Extended CCNode custom method (not onEnter )

I have Class that is CCNode extended from one of its methods i want to excute actions but none of then are running : from this class :
class GameController : public CCNode
where i have also this:

void GameController::onEnter()

this is the code i have :

@bool GameController::removeFinalGems(CCArray* gemsToRemove)

    onGemScaleInAnim = CCCallFuncND::create(this,

     onRemoveGemScaleInAnim = CCCallFuncND::create(this,

    CCSequence* selectedGemScaleInAndRemove = CCSequence::create(onGemScaleInAnim,

    bool b = this->isRunning();
    CCAction *action = this->runAction(selectedGemScaleInAndRemove);

    return true;

void GameController::OnGemScaleInAnim(CCNode* sender,void* data)

    CCArray *gemsToRemove = (CCArray*) data; 


void GameController::OnRemoveGemScaleInAnim(CCNode* sender,void* data)

    CCArray *gemsToRemove = (CCArray*) data; 


also i added check to see if there is actions running before and after
and its look like before its equal 0 and after it is equal 1

    int na = this->numberOfRunningActions();  //equal 0 
    CCAction *action = this->runAction(selectedGemScaleInAndRemove);
    int na0 = this->numberOfRunningActions();//equal 1 so there is action

it never gets to the OnRemoveGemScaleInAnim and OnGemScaleInAnim methods

Hi Meir, just a quick look, the CCSequence call looks weird, like no selector.

This is what I do:

this->runAction(cocos2d::CCSequence::create(cocos2d::CCDelayTime::create((float) getGrowTime()),
callfunc_selector(BroccoliSprite::finishGrowTimer)), NULL));

`this` is a extending a CCSprite

hey and thanks for your reply,
why you say there is no selector ? i do use : removeFinalGems
which holds:

onRemoveGemScaleInAnim = CCCallFuncND::create(this,

so its the same as your example
did i misunderstand you some how?

So what is the name of the function that you want to run for the action? and how often do you want to run this action?

this is the function :

CCSequence* selectedGemScaleInAndRemove = CCSequence::create(onGemScaleInAnim,

and i can run it more then 1 each time ( can be 10 also )

Did you get this working or do you still need some eyes on it?