RichText with Hyperlink possible?


How do I add a Hyperlink to RichTextBox (cocos2d::ui::RichText)?

I just want to display a simple text. Some words should be usable as links to websites.

omg… richtext::createWithXML is the solution. sry!

Did you need to do anything special to get it working? I’m having trouble with cocos sending the touch event to the label with the URL in it. The RichText has touch enabled, I’m not sure what else it could be.

edit: its something to do with my own code, putting it on a plain Scene within a Layout works, but not if I put it in a complex scene of mine, so its on me somewhere. If anyone else had a problem with a rich text node not handling touch the right way, let me know.

edit2: A distant parent Layer had setSwallowsTouches enabled, removing that solved it.