Revmob Integration

Hi everyone.
My name is M.Waqas Khan and I am new to this place and cocos2d-x. I am a software engineer and am currently developing my own game using the outstanding cocos2d-x and I am pretty much loving it. :smiley:

Getting to business for now.
While I was working on my game for a while, I just thought of checking if cocos2dx supports revmob ad integration and I couldn’t find anything, no help, no related articles etc.
So is it possible for me to integrate revmob into my game? I plan to launch it in both iOS and android. If not, I might have to write a wrapper for it i guess?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Looking forward to meeting some gurus from the game industry, I am new to it and am really excited.

Thank you so much for reading.
M.Waqas Khan