Retina support?

Hi, everyone. I have a question about Retina support in Cocos2d-x.
I’m stuck in HelloWorld example - in i’m declared enableRetinaSupport(true) like this:
pDirector~~>enableRetinaDisplay(true); //enable retina here
So, as i understand, my resolution now MUST be 960x640, BUT in HelloWorldScene.cpp in line:
CGSize size = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
i’m still get size variable at 480x320.
When i add HelloWorld-hd.png with 960x640 resolution, it not stretch on screen in Retina mode (as SHOULD), but looks like sprite with lower resolution, with black borders.

Simulator.jpg (53.0 KB)

Thanks for your post. I checked and found it’s a bug here.

At fist, CCDirector::getWinSize() will always return 480x320 on iPhone. Plz ref to How to develop retina display games in cocos2d by RicardoQuesada.
If you want to get 960x640, you must call CCDirector::sharedDirector()>getWinSizeInPixels
And another hand, the
hd suffix in cocos2d-x isn’t work well, I created a bug here #352
You can call

    // hi res

    // add "HelloWorld" splash screen"
    CCSprite* pSprite = CCSprite::spriteWithFile("HelloWorld-hd.png");

to load a 960x480 png manually. After #352 fixed, the aim is the source

    // hi res

    // add "HelloWorld" splash screen"
    CCSprite* pSprite = CCSprite::spriteWithFile("HelloWorld.png");

can redirect to HelloWorld-hd.png automatically