Resetting scene to original configuration after CCShaky3D...

So, when I want my entire scene to shake I call the following command on my scene:
this->runAction(CCSequence::actions(CCShaky3D::actionWithRange(4, false, ccg(10,10), 2.5), NULL));

Which works perfectly during execution. However, after the action has finished the scene is still deformed in its last “shaky” state. Is there a way to “reset” the grid after execution has finished?

Hello, you can find the answer in EffectsTest.When the action is finished, you should call setGrid(NULL).

void TextLayer::checkAnim(ccTime dt)
    CCNode* s2 = getChildByTag(kTagBackground);
    if ( s2->numberOfRunningActions() == 0 && s2->getGrid() != NULL)