repeat forever action on menuitem

I have three menuitems on the home page and they flash one by one (repeat forever). Any suggestion to implement the sequence? Thanks.

Define better which you mean with ‘flash’, these menu itens are labels or sprites?
If are sprites, they will show and hide all time OR do you want to create a image change sequence. Example: a sprite that change from blue to yellow, then yellow to blue(forever).

I create the menu items from sprite. Here is what I suppose to do:
item1 scale big
item1 scale small
item2 scale big
item2 scale small
item3 scale big
item3 scale small
item1 scale big
item1 scale small

I create CCScale actions for item scale big and small, sequence the two actions then call item->runAction(seq). But I have no idea how to transfer the action from item1 to item2 to item3 and repeat this forever. If using callfunc() in CCAction, it will come to a unlimited loop and program be stuck there.

Maybe the concepts here would help:

I am not sure I understand 100% what you want.

What about just making one sequence that is scale big to scale small and then running reverse() on it? Then it will run the action backwards which would be small to big.