RenderTexture works fine in cpp-tests application is very slow/hangs in my new application


I would like to create Paint application -for now finger drawing only. I just copied code from cpp-tests “Node: RenderTexture”. Unfortunately it works very slow and hangs for few seconds.

My question: what is a difference between sample cpp-tests and new project. Code in cpp-tests and in My application is the same…

For me it looks like there are some different settings for cpp-tests and for new created project. Maybe some different OpenGl settings, render settings?

I attached Classes directory for new project. I reproduce issue on three android devices.
Step to reproduce:
1. Create new project
cocos new -l cpp -p org.cocos2dx.mygame MyGame
2.  Copy RenderTextureTest.cpp/RenderTextureTest.h and leave only class RenderTextureSave
3. Build/deploy to MyGame to android device
cocos deploy -s MyGame -p android –m
4. Run MyGame
5. Bug: Drawing slow/hangs i.e
move few time finger from left to right and it hangs for few seconds

The same code works fine in cpp-tests
 1. Build/deploy to cpp-tests to android device
cocos deploy -s e:\Mobile\cocos2d-x-3.3rc0\tests\cpp-tests -p android –m
2.Run on android device CppTests
3.Choose Node: RenderTexture
4.No issue: finger drawing is very smooth and fast

Regards, (5.1 KB)