Render Texture Get Percentage of Transparent

Hello all,

Am using cocos2d-JS 3.5
I need to calculate transparent percentage of render texture.

Render texture created by,

var canvas = new cc.RenderTexture(1024,768, 2);
        canvas.x = 512;
        canvas.y = 384;

Am using glreadpixel method to calculate transparency. Here is My Code.

        var s=this.getSprite().getContentSize();
        var tx = s.width;
        var ty = s.height;

        var bitsPerPixel                = 4 * 8;
        var bytesPerPixel               = bitsPerPixel / 8;
        var bytesPerRow					= bytesPerPixel * tx;
        var myDataLength			= bytesPerRow * ty;

        var numberOfPixels              = tx * ty;
        var numberOfTransparent       = 0;

        var rawImagePixels = new Uint8Array(myDataLength);
        gl.readPixels(0,0,tx,ty, gl.RGBA,gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, rawImagePixels);

        var x,y;

        for(y = 0; y < ty; y++) {
            // just want the last byte (alpha) for each pixel
            for(x = 0; x < tx; x++) {
                var alpha = rawImagePixels[(y * 4 * tx + ((x * 4)+3))];

                if(alpha < 1)
        cc.log("Number of pixels"+numberOfPixels);
        cc.log("Number of Trasparent"+numberOfTransparent);
        return (numberOfTransparent/numberOfPixels)*100;

This works fine in Web.

Same thing i have done for JS Binding. I have added method in Rendertexture.cpp class. Here is Code

float RenderTexture::getPercentageTransparent()
    //this->clear(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    Size s=this->_texture->getContentSize();
    int tx = s.width;
    int ty = s.height;
    int bitsPerPixel                = 4 * 8;
    int bytesPerPixel               = bitsPerPixel / 8;
    int bytesPerRow					= bytesPerPixel * tx;
    int myDataLength			= bytesPerRow * ty;
    int numberOfPixels              = tx * ty;
    float numberOfTransparent       = 0;
    //GLubyte *buffer	= malloc(sizeof(GLubyte)*myDataLength);
    // GLubyte *buffer	= malloc(sizeof(GLubyte)*myDataLength);
    GLubyte *rawImagePixels = (GLubyte *)malloc(myDataLength);
    CCLOG("RGB value %hhu,%hhu and %hhu  %hhu",rawImagePixels[0],rawImagePixels[1],rawImagePixels[2],rawImagePixels[3]);
    glReadPixels(0,0,tx,ty,GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, rawImagePixels);
    CCLOG("RGB value %hhu,%hhu and %hhu  %hhu",rawImagePixels[0],rawImagePixels[1],rawImagePixels[2],rawImagePixels[3]);
    int x,y;
    for(y = 0; y < ty; y++) {
        // just want the last byte (alpha) for each pixel
        for(x = 0; x < tx; x++) {
            GLubyte alpha = rawImagePixels[(y * 4 * tx + ((x * 4)+3))];
            if(alpha == 0) {
    CCLOG("Transparent count %f",numberOfTransparent);
    CCLOG("number of pixel %d",numberOfPixels
    return (numberOfTransparent/numberOfPixels)*100;   

But always am getting transparent value as ZERO. I have wasted nearly 1 day.
Where am doing wrong? Can anyone please help me out.


Hi Gurudath,
Your above solution works fine for above only if we set “rendreMode” is set to “2” (Webgl).
I want to know something which works for Canvas mode

I know this has a lot of time, but I came across it and I decided to help, it works well with version 3.17

float Diversos::PegaPorcentagemTransparente(RenderTexture * rendertexture)
    //rendertexture->clear(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    Director::getInstance()->getRenderer()->render(); // Precisa renderizar para pegar uma informação válida.
    auto img  = rendertexture->newImage();
    int w           = img->getWidth();
    int h           = img->getHeight();
    auto data       = img->getData();
    float p_total   = w * h;
    float p_alpha   = 0;
    auto rgbProfile = 3;
        rgbProfile = 4;
    // iterate over each pixel in the image and set its value to green just for testing
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
            unsigned char * pixel = data + (x + y * img->getWidth()) * rgbProfile;
            //CCLOG("Pixel: %d, %d, %d, %d", * pixel, *(pixel + 1), *(pixel + 2), *(pixel + 3));
            //Color4B tempValues; //  pixel value at this position
            //tempValues.r = * pixel;
            //tempValues.g = *(pixel + 1);
            //tempValues.b = *(pixel + 2);
            //tempValues.a = *(pixel + 3);
            if( *(pixel + 3) == 0 )
    return (p_alpha / p_total) * 100;