[RELEASE] Cocos2d-x 3.8 FINAL, please enjoy ~

any one please help with this …

be more specific?:smiley:


how to make this cocos2d-x 3.8 work with cocos ide 1.0.2???
please tell me a way to work in cocos2d-x 3.8

We will take care of these issues when doing plan for next engine version.

There is a bug in Label when setting a _maxLineWidth other than 0 and the Label scale is not 1. The lines width are always computed for the scale value of 1, and it will not display correctly. If the scale is less than 1, then the text appears narrower than it should, and if the scale is greater that 1, then it’s wider. I just upgraded my project from v3.3 to v3.8 and noticed this bug.

Can’t find PageView::JumpToPage, is this implemented both in c++ and js?

Why it will remove libcurl dependency?

Hello cocos team :slight_smile: Thanks for the update!

I just downloaded v3.8 and run js-tests. Chipmunk’s addCollisionHandler api doesn’t work on mac native app :frowning:

Is anybody faced with such a problem also?

We do have this bug but TransitionScene is not a essential module and we haven’t planned to improve it yet, so it haven’t been scheduled into recent versions, sorry for the inconvenient.

Same as above, we will schedule it into future versions.

Thanks for your support , unfortunately, we don’t have plan to support 3D in the web engine, you can try Three.js, it maybe the most advanced 3d engine on web.

@WenHai Can you tell what’s happening ?

Cocos2d-x v3.7 + don’t support Code IDE anymore, in fact, we have paused the IDE project due to lack of resources. Sorry

You can submit a bug to our issue tracker

How to reproduce this issue, please fire a bug in the issue tracker with complete informations

How to reproduce this issue, please fire a bug in the issue tracker with complete informations

@pandamicro Here it is: https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/issues/13771

One short question - didnt find in forum… any plans in near future for the Sprite3D class running without jsb directly in html5/webgl?
Best Regards, Woidl

Everytime i try to update Cocos2dx I have huge Problems to get it work on Android. The old build_native.py (from v3.3) works fine with Eclipse. But the newer ones (with cocos console) never works. On IOS with xCode… updating to new cocos version works within ~20 minutes. On Android it took DAYS

I have:
Python: 2.7.10
Java: v8 .31 build 1.8.0_31-b31
Eclipse: Indigo (Version: 3.7.2; Build id: M20120208-0800)
ATD: adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140321
NDK: android-ndk-r10d
ANT: apache-ant-1.9.4
Cocos: v3.8 (trying now)

In the Compile Output I see bunch of Messages like:

Please input the absolute/relative path of “.keystore” file
EOFError: EOF when reading a line
Please use cocos console instead.

When I run same code with the build_native.py from coocs2dx v3.3 on cocos2dx v3.8 it compiles without Exceptions or any of this messages above. The apk finds libcocos2dcpp no Runtime Error and everthing is fine.

Which Tools-Combination is the right one? I want to use cocos2dx v3.8 like everyone else with the cocos console. pls help!

ah sorry did not see the reply from pandamicro - question answered there…

I think that you can use cocos compile ... and cocos run -p android


Hello everyone.
I’m starting now and I wonder if the current Programmers Guide that is cocos2d-x 3.7 has full compatibility with 3.8?
I tried to follow some tutorials I’ve found and were in version 3.3 and nothing worked in 3.8, always gave error when it was compiling.

I am looking at this today.

Hi, I’m using cocos console

I replaced “python ${ProjDirPath}/build_native.py -b release” with “cocos compile -s ${APP_ROOT} -p android -o ${APP_ROOT}/bin -m release

The Result is the same as in my previous post.

For all external Libs, I get the message: Android platform not specified, searching a default one…


Building apk…
Please input the absolute/relative path of ‘.keystore’ file:
File “/Users/UserName/Android/Cocos2dv3/cocos2d-x-3.8/tools/cocos2d-console/plugins/project_compile/project_compile.py”, line 536, in build_android
self.apk_path = builder.do_build_apk(build_mode, self._no_apk, output_dir, self._custom_step_args, self)
File “/Users/UserName/Android/Cocos2dv3/cocos2d-x-3.8/tools/cocos2d-console/plugins/project_compile/build_android.py”, line 538, in do_build_apk
File “/Users/UserName/Android/Cocos2dv3/cocos2d-x-3.8/tools/cocos2d-console/plugins/project_compile/build_android.py”, line 573, in _gather_sign_info
inputed = self._get_user_input(MultiLanguage.get_string(‘COMPILE_TIP_INPUT_KEYSTORE’))
File “/Users/UserName/Android/Cocos2dv3/cocos2d-x-3.8/tools/cocos2d-console/plugins/project_compile/build_android.py”, line 606, in _get_user_input
ret = raw_input()
EOFError: EOF when reading a line

Then when i try to run the App I get Java Runtime Errors

Only C++ is implemented at the moment.