[RELEASE] Cocos2d-x 3.8 FINAL, please enjoy ~

scheduleOnce() with a delay of 0.0f is endlessly repeated.

This is easily fixed by adding a small delay, nevertheless…

Didn’t happen in 3.7.

    scheduleOnce([](float) { // is repeated
    }, 0.0f, "test1");

    scheduleOnce([](float) { // works as intended
    }, 0.1f, "test2");

@mausmausgames its fixed here :

@pandamicro I disabled both in ccConfig.h but it’s still showing those warnings?
Do I have to remove bullet from the Android.mk, too?

1 Like

Nice work !!!

is there any way to get how many bytes in memory a variable is using? (for use with FileUtils::writeDataToFile)

why ui::Widget onTouchMoved wont fire onTouchCancelled even though the touch is moved outside the object??

Thanks for a great update!

I’m coming from the ObjectiveC version, but with it’s uncertain future and lack of good Android support it was time to switch. And gotta say, having mostly worked with Cocos2D v.2 (ObjectiveC), Cocos2D-x v.3.X has been amazing and there has been no horrible memory handling so far (That was my biggest worry moving back to c++) also amazing to see Cocos2D-x shipping with more or less everything you need. It’s been just as productive to work with as cocos2d-objc was.

Maybe the death of Cocos2D-ObjC is really a good thing getting more devs over to Cocos2D-x,

onTouchCancelled is called when you are touching the screen and suddenly the phone call comes.

Or you for example use 4 fingers at once on iPad (multitouch gesture for switching apps)…

Anyway nice to see the next version. Do you plan to do anything for windows phone? Add missing windows phone projects to cocos studio creator (yeah the project which has precompiled libs) and do something with 3rd party libraries? There’re plenty for c# project and it’s not quite nice you removed it :slight_smile: win8 Universal sucks!

Also nice to see improvments for gui. It needs a lot of features. I’d like to see ToogleButton :slight_smile: It’d be helpful.

And last wish: please improve animation editor in cocos studio :smiley: (time instead of frames, animation easing and other stuff people propose - just look at cocos studio topic).

#define COCOS2D_VERSION 0x00030700
The COCOS2D_VERSION remains as 3.7 ??

Please check out this issue:
android:sharedUserId on Manifest Causes Crash on Galaxy Edge+ and Note 5

Why facebook tests have been removed from js-tests ?

    //    title:"Facebook SDK Test",
    //    linksrc:"src/FacebookTest/FacebookTestsManager.js",
    //    testScene:function () {
    //        return new FacebookTestScene();
    //    }

im using cocos ide 1.0.2

in that when i give the engine framework as the cocos2d-x 3.8…it is showing this error …
plss help with this

Is there change log what was changed from 3.8RC0 ?

Now, I am using Cocos2d-x3.8 and I have see one problem. When I use “TransitionPageTurn” with a Scene that use PageView or ScrollView, it has error when transition (scene only . This problem has appeared from Cocos2d-x 3.2 when the first time I have worked with Cocos2d-x.
I have created the issue in github with the code and captured screen.

Please consider and fix it. Thank you!

@zhangxm, @pandamicro

Thank you for update

Hi @pandamicro,

I just notice a new bug with scene transition and built-in physics.

When using transition the edgebox physics which you create when initializing the scene will be disappear. If you replace a scene without transition, everything is fine.

pls note that with version 3.4 everything work well. I just add to issue checker pls check

And i attached my test file, too.
test.zip (3.0 KB)

Hi @pandamicro, thanks to the team for the new update! More and more we love the Cocos2d engine…
One short question - didnt find in forum… any timelines or plans in near future for the Sprite3D class running without jsb directly in html5?

Best Regards,


Have you changed something related to setAnchorPoint function in Final release? We updated from 3.8Rc0 to 3.8 Final and all our Labels moved down for 20-30px.