R.U.B.E Box2d level editor


has anyone used RUBE, https://www.iforce2d.net/rube/, within Cocos2d-x?
What has your experience been like and would you recommend it? Are there similar alternatives?
How does it compare to using Tiled, http://www.mapeditor.org/, and creating a box2d body at each tile to create the level’s landscape?
Does a RUBE exported level scale well across different resolutions/viewport dimensions?

Thanks for the info

I recently tried it, build a fairly complex scene using many bodies & joints in about an hour, and that included the learning curve.

There is sample code which includes the json loader (C++ files).

After I built the scene, I exported to json and loaded it into the cocos2d-x project with no issues.

Needles to say, I’m totally impressed.

The type of complex scenes you can build with rube will be near impossible in plain code.

Tiled is a tile map editor, whereas rube is a box2d editor.

Thanks, I’ve also played with RUBE and have since purchased it and am moving forward with that as my level editor. I am quite impressed so far.

It’s better to compare LevelHelper vs R.U.B.E rather than R.U.B.E vs MapTileEditor.

I have tried LevelHelper. The GUI itself is great but if you need to integrate with a lot of custom code, it’s uphill hard.

How about R.U.B.E?

Any suggestion?


R.U.B.E is great. It is a huge time saver for the creation of box2D levels. The data importer works quite nicely with Cocos2d-x and is fairly flexible. You can create your levels as one file, or separate them into multiple files and import them together. For example, you could design each individual level as a separate scene, and reusable characters in another file and import them together.

You mostly work in the editor using keyboard commands, which once you get familiar with them it is a very fast process to manipulate your objects. There is some very nice documentation built-in along with multiple videos. The creator of R.U.B.E really hasn’t taken any shortcuts there.

The editor also supports custom scripts, so you can automate certain tasks you find yourself doing. Additionally, the data format allows custom properties, so essentially providing the needed custom hooks into your own code for anything you can’t design in the editor (for example, some game logic specific to your game).

The creator is also very active and responsive to answering questions and generally helping out in his forums.

That being said, I don’t have much experience with any other editors, nor have I gotten too far with my own game using R.U.B.E yet, but I’ve not experienced anything negative from R.U.B.E yet and am quite impressed. I would recommend it. It is very reasonably priced as well and supports all the major OSes, so if you are on linux it is especially nice.

hi, mike m
i will write a blog which explain the feature of R.u.b.e
and i want extract you words like “R.U.B.E is great. It is a huge time saver for the creation of box2D levels….”

thanks, ben mr. Looking forward to your blog.
ben mr wrote:

hi, mike m
i will write a blog which explain the feature of R.u.b.e
and i want extract you words like “R.U.B.E is great. It is a huge time saver for the creation of box2D levels….”

Hi I developed a Box2D Level editor, it is as good as RUBE, can export code for Ios and cocos2d as well as xml, also generates the textures. It is free, you can give it a try.
