Problems building cocos2d-x on NaCl (Google Native Client)

I got a VM ubuntu running and started following the setup guide provided here:

When it got the building part, when I execute ./ at top level folder, it gives me a bunch of errors regarding the “blackberry/SimpleAudioEngine.cpp”. Right from the start it already shows me stuff like:

…/blackberry/SimpleAudioEngine.cpp:30:19: error: AL/al.h: No such file or directory
…/blackberry/SimpleAudioEngine.cpp:31:20: error: AL/alc.h: No such file or directory
…/blackberry/SimpleAudioEngine.cpp:32:21: error: AL/alut.h: No such file or directory

And I really couldn’t find those headers… any clues of what I did wrong?

The AL headers should be in NACL_SDK_ROOT/ports/include.

Can you make sure you are using the latest pepper_canary and try again?
