problem with glfw on centos6.4 when build libcocos2dx-2.2

I try to build cocos2dx on my laptop with centos6.4,
the compiler generates lots of error message about glfw.
However I have glfw-3.0.3 installed on my system correctly.
Is there any one have the same problem??

prtscreen.jpg (581.5 KB)

May be the link path is error.
I am not familiar with centos, and we have’t tested in that platform.
There are so many linux OS versions, we only tested on ubuntu.

If you use linux OS, we suppose you are familiar with these things.

The link path is right.
I think it causes by different version of glfw library i used.
Which version did you guys use on ubuntu? mine is 3.0.3

3.0.2. build/ will download and install glfw on ubuntu.

Did you talk about cocos2dx 2.2?
There is no build folder in my cocos2dx directory.

On 2.2, it is at root of cocos2d-x. is not work on Centos
But i can sure now this problem is caused by glfw lib version mismatch.
cocos2dx 2.2 use oldder version of glfw!

Thanks for help zhang!

You are welcome.