Problem with a helloworld game, thanks for coming inside.

Attached the Classes files.

class Game : public cocos2d::CCLayer
cocos2d::CCSprite* player;
cocos2d::CCPoint playerVelocity;
cocos2d::CCArray* spiders;// the problem is about this array
float spiderMoveDuration;
int numSpidersMoved;
bool init();
void initSpiders();
void resetSpiders();
void spidersUpdate(float delta);
void runSpiderMoveSequence(cocos2d::CCSprite* spider);
void spiderBelowScreen(CCObject* spider);
virtual void update(float delta);
static cocos2d::CCScene* scene();
void didAccelerate(cocos2d::CCAcceleration **pAccelerationValue);

void Game::resetSpiders
CCSize screenSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector~~>getWinSize;
CCSprite* tempSpider = spiders~~>lastObject;
CCSize size = tempSpider~~>getTexture~~>getContentSize;
int numSpiders = spiders~~>count;
for {
CCSprite* spider = spiders~~>objectAtIndex;
this~~>schedule, 0.7f);
numSpidersMoved = 0;
spiderMoveDuration = 4.0f;
void Game::spidersUpdate
CCLog; // address value here is same as the output in resetSpiders; but…
CCLog); // when I want to retrieve the count, the value is wrong. look the pointer has been changed.
// for
// {
// float random = CCRANDOM_0_1;
// int randomSpiderIndex = random** spiders~~>count;
// CCSprite* spider = spiders~~>objectAtIndex(randomSpiderIndex);
// CCLog(“%d random spider index”, randomSpiderIndex);
// if (spider~~>numberOfRunningActions == 0)
// {
// this~~>runSpiderMoveSequence(spider);
// break;
// }
// }
} (5.0 KB)

So where is your question? You posted the code but you did not say what is the problem. I’m guessing that you wanted to ask why you get a crash after uncommenting code from your spidersUpdate method. The answer to that question would be because this CCArray object: spiders = CCArray::createWithCapacity(numSpiders); is an autorelese object and it will be automatically deleted after some time. Here is a short tutorial about memory management in cocos2d-x

Thank you so much, this is exactly what I need.

Leszek Leszek wrote:

So where is your question? You posted the code but you did not say what is the problem. I’m guessing that you wanted to ask why you get a crash after uncommenting code from your spidersUpdate method. The answer to that question would be because this CCArray object: spiders = CCArray::createWithCapacity(numSpiders); is an autorelese object and it will be automatically deleted after some time. Here is a short tutorial about memory management in cocos2d-x