Problem building first app on Windows 8

Hello guys!

It’s my first time with Windows 8 and Visual Studio and I was following this tutorial:

Everything went ok, but what should I do to run the app?

I’ve already tried “Debug~~>Start Debugging", and "Build~~> Build HelloWorld”, but I’ve got:

Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped

Hi, Jeff
Can you paste more detailed build information.

I’ll send you a print screen.

I’ve done what is written in “”.
After all, when I build the project, it shows me this error:

Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped

I think, I supposed to set some build settings just like in eclipse. Sorry, but I’m newbie in .Net Framework.

Building for Win32

Building for ARM

hi jefferson
It seems like you are using visual studio 2010 ?
if so ,you should use visual studio 2011 beta.
since only vs2011 can develop win8 metro app.
Hope that helps

No. It is VS 2011 beta.

I think I could be in a different place in .Net Framework.

VS 2011 - About

Your snapshot tells us you are using vs2011 develop preview version, not vs2011 beta.
You’d better download and install vs2011 ultimate beta on MS site, it will save you a lot of trouble.
Here is my vs about:

Thanks in advance!

I installed the beta version and the helloworld app works!

But, when I’ve put a more complex app, I found out some problems with Box2D.
Is Box2D working in windows 8 cocos2d-x version?

Yes ,cocos2dx-win8 supports box2d.
You can build the tests project and run Box2dTest to check it.

Yeah. It works!
Great job of all of you.

When I’ve ported an android project to windows 8, I’ve got problems with the “string” type.
Is there a solution for this? Or should I change all to “char *”?

Thanks at all!

Hi, jeff
There are 2 function in CCCommon.cpp may help you to deal with string:

  1. std::wstring CCUtf8ToUnicode(const char * pszUtf8Str)
  2. std::string CCUnicodeToUtf8(const wchar_t* pwszStr)

BTW, There is a Platform::String Class in win8metro platform,


From now, I’ll develop using always “char *”.

Thanks for everything.