Prevent texture-spritesheet from removing

I am using single spritesheet for my game in most of the scenes. I want it to remain in the memory but it gets removed too often on my retina iPad. Loading it back takes significant time.
I tried to make global variable of sprite using that texture and retaining it. But it keeps removing from texture cache.
Using latest cocos2d-js v3.0 final. Running on jsb bindings.
Is there any way to say that I will need this spritesheet and texture so it won’t get removed?

Have you tried to retain the SpriteFrame itself ?

Yes. I’ve tried something like this:

globalSpriteSheet = new cc.SpriteFrame(res.SpriteSheet_png, cc.rect(0,0,10,10));

It still will remove my sprite sheet from the texture cache from time to time. globalSpriteSheet variable is global of course.

Try this should prevent the texture of your sprite frame from being released

globalSpriteSheet = new cc.SpriteFrame(res.SpriteSheet_png, cc.rect(0,0,10,10));
cc.spriteFrameCache.addSpriteFrame(globalSpriteSheet, "somename");

Thanks, I think this solved it