Possible error in the class CCMenuItemLabel?

I found an error in the class CCMenuItemLabel and derivative. When multiple taps on the label menu, there is an accumulation coefficient of scale within the class, and the label is gradually increasing in size.
I assume that an error occurs at this point:

void CCMenuItemLabel::selected(){

When I comment out the line labeled “Error”, this problem has been resolved

What version are you using? I’m using v2.0.1 and that does not happen. I use CCMenuItemLabel a lot.

I’m using v2.0.1 too.
I rework CCTabView (http://www.cocos2d-x.org/boards/18/topics/9283) class and discovered the problem when he began to use a class CCMenuItemLabel to create captions for the tabs.

In that case, the problem most probably lies in the CCTabView class you are using.

Not sure! It (CCTabView) does nothing other than add to the standard menu CCMenu standard CCMenuItem. But if you switch tabs many times, using this menu, it is the accumulation of residue is the scaling factor (which is equal to 1.0 and does not say 1.005) and after pressing a dozen labels increase is very noticeable.