must define at least one 'default', 'get' or 'set' message

I’m following the “_Quick start” tutorial and I’ve encountered this error message after I’ve used the script :

extends: cc.Component,

properties: {
// main character's jump height
    jumpHeight: 0,
    // main character's jump duration
    jumpDuration: 0,
    // maximal movement speed
    maxMoveSpeed: 0,
    // acceleration
    accel: 0,

// use this for initialization
onLoad: function () {


// called every frame, uncomment this function to activate update callback
// update: function (dt) {

// },

I’m using CC 1.6.0. What can I do to get it running ?

Hi @Leqthor,

the quoted script has no errors, it’s OK. Would you be so kind as to upload some test project?

Best regards,

Hi @PZsolt27
I’ve got past that part, I had to rewrite the code again and after that it worked fine, right now I have a problem with my localhost not loading the game, the blue bar fills up but the game doesn’t start :confused: