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  1. C++

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  4. jsbを以前使っていた時はSublimeTextを使っていました。

Thank you :slight_smile:

1、C++, Lua, JavaScript, どの開発言語を使っています?
2、Cocos Code IDEを利用したことがありますか?
5、現在何かCocos Code IDEと似てるコードエディタを使っているか?そのコードエディタのポイントが何ですか?教えてください!ありがとう。
c++なのでcocostudio xcode unityもいじっている

1、C++, Lua, JavaScript, どの開発言語を使っています?
2、Cocos Code IDEを利用したことがありますか?
5、現在何かCocos Code IDEと似てるコードエディタを使っているか?そのコードエディタのポイントが何ですか?教えてください!

1 - been using C++ for several years and now starting to use Lua
2 - Yes
3 - Like it a lot. Its simple and works well.
4 -
5 - I also use VStudio and XCode. I plan to use CocosIDE as much as possible whenever the projects allow to use a scripting language instead of C++

  1. C++
  2. No
  3. No because I prefer to work with C++.
  4. Visual Studio 2013 Express, the best IDE (I hate Eclipse btw).

1.C++, tried lua few times.
3.I was really surprised how well it works. Especially hot update even over adb wi-fi… I would love to see documentation while typing (ctrl+space).
5.VS, Xcode, eclipse - I love vs. I hate Xcode and eclipse is somewhere between ;]

  1. C++, but I want to try lua next time.
  2. Just opened it, it lacks C++
  3. Not enough time to play with it. And yes, I will try it in the future. And I would like to hope Cocos Code IDE will support every language (mostly C++ xD) which cocos2d-family has.
  4. I am working with VS 2013, sometimes with eclipse and only when I really must with XCode. I would prefer eclipse but VS 2013 is more supported than eclipse (i would presume). And of course Cocos Studio (love it, just needs more love from the developers who are working on it…).
  1. C++
  2. No
  3. Cause it does not support C++ and the features other IDEs provide. I will consider it, as soon as it supports C++
  4. VS, Xcode, Code::Blocks, Eclipse, Qt Creator. Preferring cross platform and software not based on .Net/Mono. Tight integration of third party tools like debuggers, analyzers, profilers and build systems.
  1. Which languages are you using, C++, Lua, or/and JavaScript?
  2. Have you tried Cocos Code IDE?
    yes, using it regullary
  3. If yes, how did you like it? Any suggestions, advice, or complaints?
    It’s going to be the best tool for Cocos2d-JS after some changes (I hope, because for now I’m surprised how good it is). Now I just like it, for the future it could be my favourite Cocos2d-JS IDE. Missing some debug features like this -> Expressions not working . Opening debug session for JS opens additional terminal window (it would be better to debug it in webstorm style without additional terminal window) - I don’t like additional windows when It’s not opened by myself. Code complete could be better (I know that f.e. webstorm shows methods and other code complete not related to the object but it helps code complete to work better and sometimes Cocos Code Ide it’s simplier poor in code complete). Ideally it would be to stay with code complete related to objects (which is still improved from version to version of cocos code ide) and additional keyboard shortcut could show “dumb” code complete to behave like webstorm code assist. Sometimes when I try to jump to definition it can’t find function related to “this” defined in the same object (again no problem with webstorm). How can I open cocos code ide project (not importing) ? Just want to move it from one computer to another ? Just want to open created project not connected with current workspace (+ for webstorm)… The rest of Cocos Code Ide is really great.
  4. If no, why didn’t you want to give it a try?Would you consider try Cocos Code IDE in the future?
  1. Are you using similar tools? What are the advantages of the tools?
    Webstorm - things which I missing (in point 3). Still it’s better for JavaScript code assist and debug. But using both IDE (Webstorm - JS, Rest platforms -Cocos Code Ide). Sometimes XCode is usefull too with its debug features.
  1. Which languages are you using, C++, Lua, or/and JavaScript?
  2. Have you tried Cocos Code IDE?
  3. If yes, how did you like it? Any suggestions, advice, or complaints?
    i really liked it, i used to develop in plain js editor.
    it will be really nice to have option to turn on plugin in and additions (such as admob, in app purchase), I spend 1 week to figure out how to add plugin to android project.
  4. If no, why didn’t you want to give it a try?Would you consider try Cocos Code IDE in the future?
  5. Are you using similar tools? What are the advantages of the tools?
    i use both Xcode and Eclipse, but i hope in the near future dumping them as IDE finalise. Some platform functionality are too much easier to implement under Xcode and Eclipse now.
  1. Which languages are you using, C++, Lua, or/and JavaScript?
    C++ & Lua for small scripting on some behaviour and UI but the core is still C++

  2. Have you tried Cocos Code IDE?
    Yes, I have downloaded it and tried it a little bit but it can’t be used for C++ so I leave it

  3. If yes, how did you like it? Any suggestions, advice, or complaints?
    Nope, because it can’t be used for C++

  4. If no, why didn’t you want to give it a try?Would you consider try Cocos Code IDE in the future?
    Probably I will use it if the IDE can be used to compile C++ faster

  5. Are you using similar tools? What are the advantages of the tools?
    So far I’ve been using Xcode when I’m using any Apple PCs and Visual Studio when I’m using Windows PCs but I like Visual Studio better

5、C++使用MS VS,Lua开发用Sublime Text,Lua调试用Decoda

1- Which languages are you using, C++, Lua, or/and JavaScript?

2-Have you tried Cocos Code IDE?
No, because it supports only Lua and Javascript.

4-If no, why didn’t you want to give it a try? Would you consider try Cocos Code IDE in the future?
I’m waiting for a C++ version .

5-Are you using similar tools? What are the advantages of the tools?
We use XCode , it’s great IDE and supports C++

Which languages are you using, C++, Lua, or/and JavaScript?

javascript and i am learning C++

Have you tried Cocos Code IDE?


If yes, how did you like it? Any suggestions, advice, or complaints?

If no, why didn’t you want to give it a try?Would you consider try Cocos Code IDE in the future?

support to C++ code

Are you using similar tools? What are the advantages of the tools?

visual studio 2012

  1. Which languages are you using, C++, Lua, or/and JavaScript?
    I am using C++ and Lua.
  2. Have you tried Cocos Code IDE?
    Not yet.
  3. If no, why didn’t you want to give it a try?Would you consider try Cocos Code IDE in the future?
    I won’t using a thing without proof of time…At present,I will try Cocos IDE in serval months with sign of stability.
  4. Are you using similar tools? What are the advantages of the tools?
    Writing code of C++ by Visual Studio 2013 or Xcode5.0.My favor editor is SublimeText that provide fast coding in Lua script. I love the power tools in VS could detect my bug quickly
  1. I use Cocos2x-JS Version 3
  2. Code IDE is superb with its real time code editing feature.
  3. Code hinting and auto completion needs to be improved. Great to have an improved, easy to use multi resolution simulation options.
  4. I have been using Jetbrains Intellij for other language coding. This tool will stay in top with its usability, debugging options, easy to add new plugins, plug in directory search options, easy to configure development eviroment etc features.

1)Which languages are you using, C++, Lua, or/and JavaScript?
2)Have you tried Cocos Code IDE?
haven’t yet.
4)If no, why didn’t you want to give it a try?Would you consider try Cocos Code IDE in the future?
I think it have bugs yet, so I will try it when it improve.
5)Are you using similar tools? What are the advantages of the tools?

  1. C++
  2. NO
  3. Because I’m using C++ mainly. Now I’m studying lua and I may use Cocos Code IDE.
  4. Xcode. I can write C++ :smile:
  1. C++
  2. いいえ
  3. まだ触る機会がない為。個人的に環境構築して試してみる予定。
  4. Xcode iOS開発するにはほぼ必須のようなものなので利用している。