OUYA with cocos2d-x, highly possible and seamlessly right?

I guess creating a game with cocos2d-x, and porting it to run on OUYA would be really effortless right?
As cocos2d-x supports androids, OUYA won’t be in any different.

Is there anything I’m missing out? Or need to be concerned?
In addition, are there any games out there created with cocos2d-x and run on OUYA now ?

I remember that some one have been doing this job in this community. Adding OUYA’s joystick support a required job. I’m not sure how about their progress recently.

Thanks, what’s about other areas. Are there any concerns or things that cocos2d-x might not be compatible? (Personally I guess none).

Take a look at this thread: http://www.cocos2d-x.org/boards/6/topics/14491?r=16420#message-16420