
Since we have released our first html5-game on facebook, we’re tracking all javascript errors with google analytics.

One of the common errors is NS_ERROR_FAILURE: CCTMXLayer.js:119 (only on Firefox with cocos-version 2.2.1)

This error occurs sometimes during the TMX-Map is loading. Sometimes you can play 3,4 or more levels and nothing happens.

I thought I’m waiting for the new version (2.2.2) but this error has not been fixed .
Now the error occurs in CCTMXLayer.js:132

We do not know how to fix this problem. Has anybody an idea, why this error occurs?

I hope anybody can help us :slight_smile:

With many thanks, Matthias

Hi, Matthias

Thanks for the feedback, I will check it out. But we are all on vacations in China now, so you may need to wait a little bit. Sorry for the delay


Hi Matthias,

Does your game page add other js library?

Did you test it in a purely page?

I guess some js librarys have be conflicted with Cocos2d-html5.

Hopes to help