Non-virtual methods in Node and Ref

I’m using objects derived from Ref in my other Nodes. So in order to use it with autorelease feature I need to manually retain and release them because I can’t and shouldn’t add them as child (addChild). So, I need to override release method of my Node but that is not virtual. I already made release, retain and all schedule* methods virtual in my cocos2d. I think it should be commited to the repo by default.

Overriding schedule* methods needed also to make scheduling cascade on each object in class that is not its children

P.S. Not also Ref and Node have non-virtual methods. For example Component class has non-virtual methods also. const std::string& getName() const { return _name; } should be virtual to be overriden in derived classes. I’m not sure I’m using Component class right way but I have that approach

class MyComponent : public cocos2d::Component {

where COMPONENT_NAME is a macro that’s definition is:

    const std::string& getName() const override {
        static std::string name = __NAME__;
        return name;
    static constexpr const char* name = __NAME__;

So in that case I need getName to be virtual

I use it like so. _myNode->getComponent(MyComponent::name) returns either Component* or nullptr (More safe than using raw strings with the name of the component)

I subclass all the time and I don’t have to do this. Can you show exactly what you are doing for code?