Newbie - Missing Files in Beta 2?

I downloaded Beta 3
Used the script to create projects
Open the ios project, and XCode shows (under Frameworks) libcurl.a, OpenGLES.framework and UIKit.framework in red. Looking at their paths, the files don’t exist there.
UIKit path is /Applications/ - but these files are in the iPhoneOS.Platform folder structure.
Xcode is looking for libcurl.a at /Users/myName/Documents/cocos2dx/platform/third_party/ios/libraries/libcurl.a
The actual folder name for Cocos2d-x is cocos2d-x-3.0beta2, and within that folder there is no platform folder.

I don’t know if I am doing something wrong, these files aren’t needed or what?

The application still builds and runs - but obviously it’s somewhat minimalist!

Do I need to fix it? If so, ow? Or is it expected behaviour?