New event manager in Cocos2d-Html5 v3.0

That’s great, i created my own InputManager similar with this style in version 2.2.2, it’s very useful!

wow i love the custom events, and all of this…really nice work!!

Totally a step in the right direction. Coming from Flash I was pretty shocked that Cocos makes you manage your own event priorities rather than using the scene graph. I would still like the bounds checking to be built in so that any nodes that have width and height set will automatically check their own bounds, but it seems like I should be able to implement that myself to some extent.

Hi @rejemy,

I think we can add a template event listener (BoundEventListener) to our samples, it can be automatically checking their own bounds.

then we can implement this function easily:
cc.eventManager.addListener(new BoundEventListener(), aSprite);

The document of all properties of event, eventListener and eventManager will release later.
I’m so sorry to release later, because I have been busy to fix bugs

That’s alright, I know the release date is pressing and you guys must be juggling priorities.

Properties and functions list


Properties/functions Type Parameters Usage
getType Number no Gets the event type:TOUCH, KEYBOARD, ACCELERATION, MOUSE, CUSTOM
stopPropagation void no Stops propagation for current event
isStopped Boolean no Checks whether the event has been stopped
getCurrentTarget cc.Node no Gets current target of the event


cc.EventCustom inherits from cc.Event

Properties/functions Type Parameters Usage
setUserData void data: user data Sets user data
getUserData * no Gets user data
getEventName String no Gets event name


cc.EventMouse inherits from cc.Event

Properties/functions Type Parameters Usage
setScrollData void scrollX, scrollY sets scroll data
getScrollX Number no gets scrollX data
getScrollY Number no gets scrollY data
setLocation void x, y Set cursor location
getLocation cc.Point no Get cursor location
getLocationInView cc.Point no Returns the current touch location in screen coordinates
getDelta cc.Point no Get delta data
setButton void button Sets mouse button
getButton Number no Gets mouse button


cc.EventTouch inherits from cc.Event

Properties/functions Type Parameters Usage
getEventCode Number no Gets event code: BEGAN, MOVED, ENDED, CANCELLED
getTouches Array no Get touches of event


Properties/functions Type Parameters Usage
checkAvailable boolean no Checks whether the listener is available.
clone cc.EventListener no Clones the listener, its subclasses have to override this method.
create cc.EventListener json object create event listener by json object

cc.EventListener.create parameter details:

event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE
optional parameters:

  1. swallowTouches, boolean, checks whether swallow touches
  2. onTouchBegan, function, Touch began event callback
  3. onTouchMoved, function, Touch moved event callback
  4. onTouchEnded, function, Touch ended event callback
  5. onTouchCancelled, function, Touch cancelled event callback

event: cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ALL_AT_ONCE
optional parameters:

  1. onTouchesBegan, function, Touches began event callback
  2. onTouchesMoved, function, Touches moved event callback
  3. onTouchesEnded, function, Touches ended event callback
  4. onTouchesCancelled, function, Touches cancelled event callback

event: cc.EventListener.KEYBOARD
optional parameters:

  1. onKeyPressed, function, Key pressed (key down) event callback
  2. onKeyReleased, function, key release (key up) event callback

event: cc.EventListener.MOUSE
optional parameters:

  1. onMouseDown, function, Mouse down event callback
  2. onMouseUp, function, Mouse up event callback
  3. onMouseMove, function, Mouse move event callback
  4. onMouseScroll, function, Mouse scroll event callback

event: cc.EventListener.ACCELERATION
optional parameters:

  1. callback, function, Acclerometer event callback

event: cc.EventListener.CUSTOM
optional parameters:

  1. callback, function, Custom event callback


Properties/functions Type Parameters Usage
pauseTarget void node, recursive Pauses all listeners which are associated the specified target.
resumeTarget void node, recursive Resumes all listeners which are associated the specified target.
addListener void json object cc.EventListener, node
addCustomListener void eventName, callback Adds a Custom event listener.
removeListener void listener Remove a listener
removeListeners void listenerType cc.Node, recursive
removeCustomListeners void customEventName Removes all custom listeners with the same event name
removeAllListeners void no Removes all listeners
setPriority void listener, fixedPriority Sets listener’s priority with fixed value.
setEnabled void enabled Whether to enable dispatching events
isEnabled boolean no Checks whether dispatching events is enabled
dispatchEvent void event Dispatches the event, also removes all EventListeners marked for deletion from the event dispatcher list.
dispatchCustomEvent void eventName, optionalUserData Dispatches a Custom Event with a event name an optional user data

More usage about event manager, please see:

Hi, i just used the new EventManager, my code:

var listener = cc.EventListener.create({
event: cc.EventListener.MOUSE,
onMouseDown: function(event) {
onMouseMove: function(event) {
cc.log("mouse move: "+event.getCursorX());
cc.eventManager.addListener(listener, this);

Then, when i moved the mouse over the screen, there is no “mouse move” log output, but when i dragged the mouse, then the error come:

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function MenuScene.js:178:41
cc.EventListener.create.onMouseMove MenuScene.js:178:41
listener CCEventListener.js:248:37
cc.eventManager._onListenerCallback CCEventManager.js:893:18
cc.eventManager._dispatchEventToListeners CCEventManager.js:564:80
cc.eventManager.dispatchEvent CCEventManager.js:885:18
(anonymous function) CCInputManager.js:417:33

That means on the callback of onMouseMove, the event is null, why? Is there some thing wrong in my code?


Hi, @longyangxi

Could you please show me the full content of MenuScene.js ?

The codes you’re giving look well, I don’t know which code cause this error.

Hi, @ludingping

See the attachment, thanks!
In the 3.0, the mouse move event only occurs on dragging? If that, it’s not good for web browser!

“In the 3.0, the mouse move event only occurs on dragging? If that, it’s not good for web browser!”

I agree with you. I will fix it soon.


Hi @longyangxi
I used your codes in my application, the event.getCursorX() is undefined, please use event.getLocationX() instead.

Thanks! So you should update your document about the new EventManager

Thank you for noticing. @longyangxi

I will update them soon.

Hi Lu Sir


是否有 “touchDown” or “touchPress” 事件?

在 cc.EventListener.TOUCH_ONE_BY_ONE 监听中.

经debug 观察 当 手指or鼠标 按下时 TouchBegan 只会执行一次,如果没有任何移动的情况下 touchMove不会被执行,手指抬起后 执行 touchEnd

我需要实现当手指按下时记录时间 超过一定时间,被按下的节点响应业务逻辑,就像在手机上拖动图标的效果.




Hi @jiwu_ma,

I think you can add a timer when the TouchBegan called, this timer is used by recording how long the TouchBegan called, if the time is greater than your setting time, you can execute your logic, and if touchMove is called, you can remove this timer.

Hopes to help

i was created a cc.MenuItemSprite.create() when i want to remove this node,how can i remove the listener manually?

Did you add the menuitemSprite to a cc.Menu object?
If you added it to cc.Menu, please use removeFromParent,

By the way, the listener is inside cc.Menu, cc.MenuItemSprite hasn’t listener.

Best regards

How can i reference any other variable from within the eventlistener , Can you please view this question :