New Cocos2d-x tutorial series

Is this for real? I know more 3D stuff is actually getting added, but is there really going to be a rebrand? Not sure what I think of it over all… in some ways, if only the C++ version gets the new name it could help, but most likely it will just cause more confusion.

No no no - sorry - didn’t mean to confuse you!

I was just pointing out that Cocos2d-x is no longer 2-d as it now supports 3d so it would be a good time to rename, if a new name was going to happen.

Ahhh ok, that makes more sense then :wink:

Some great tuts… but they are very basic to say the least at times. They need to get more practical… but good for a starting point :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, renaming it to cocos3d-x doesn’t help either, we are not yet a full 3d engine, and we still targets 2d and 2.5d games

However, there is another breed of “Cocosness” called “Cocos”, it is the commercial but free product from Chukong that comes with Cocos2d-x, editor, IDE, optional services etc

It doesn’t mean we are going to stop developing Cocos2d-x, it means Cocos is the big brand that will integrate all of its sub products into single workflow, and it relies on actively improving the Open Source Cocos2d-x.

Cocos2d-x will always be actively developed and will always be Open Source, because none of us are as smart as all of us.

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Tomorrow we are launching an education platform to help the community with over 500 videos

…staying classy I see.

You realize you are casting your own work in a negative light, don’t you? I mean really, why not create your own thread?

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I have nothing against commercialization, but doing so with such an over used and ungoogable word is probably a mistake. Especially if it confuses new users over if Cocos is free or not.

Just my 2 cents.

Thanks to an uptick in interest (woot!), I have resumed this tutorial series. It was left in a state that should hopefully have been useful, but fell short of covering all of Cocos2d-x by a long margin. Hopefully we can now rectify some of that.

Today I added a new text tutorial on Playing Sound Effects and Music.

Additionally I am going through previous tutorials in this series and creating video versions of them. So far I only have the first one complete but new videos should follow pretty quickly.

Thanks @Serapth.

I am also hosting links to your tutorials at:

I will add this one in some changes that I am making for today.

Awesome, thanks a ton, it’s appreciated!

I added a new video tutorial, this one covering the same material as the basic graphics text tutorial.