New Cocos2d-x tutorial series

Hello catch_up, I appreciate the feedback.

In all honesty, and not really a bash on other tutorials out there, I don’t really pay a large amount of attention to them, except when deciding if I should do a tutorial series or not. For example, I won’t be writing an SDL series anytime soon, as Lazy Foo pretty much has that topic nailed, and things haven’t changed enough to change that fact. I also don’t really consider video tutorials as “competition”, although that is totally the wrong word to use. Having more tutorials available is almost always a good thing, assuming of course the tutorials are teaching correct information. Generally though I find that people prefer either video tutorials or written tutorials, or video tutorials for some tasks and written for others. So even if something is covered, and covered very well, in video form, I still thing there is a large group of people out there that want a text version. More so, until Google has the ability to search into Youtube videos and jump to the exact spot people are searching for, this will always remain true.

The biggest part why I don’t really pay all that much attention to the other tutorials, and write my accordingly, is if I cover everything myself, I know what the reader knows. Plus of course I’m a bit of a control freak. :slight_smile: I actually take more or less the same approach to writing tutorials that I do when writing books. In the end, when I am done with my series, I want the result to be as good or better than any book that’s available on the market.

In the end though, the reason I take the approach I take is ultimately because of exactly what you just said: [quote=“catch_up, post:20, topic:17373”]“Anyways I like your work so far although I had to learn these things either by asking in forums or by reading documentation and all.”[/quote]

This is what I seek to solve. I want to provide a single learning resource so people new to Cocos2d-x don’t have to hunt around through the documentation and across forums, which gets exceptionally confusing in the case of Cocos2d-x because of the v2 vs v3 differences coupled with all the other Cocos version results muddling up the results. I don’t aim to be the be all resource on Cocos2d-x development information, that’s just silly considering how well documented the library tends to be. But I do want to be as good or better than any books that come along, and the perfect introduction to Cocos2d-x for beginning programmers. At least, that’s my end goal.

Of course, it’s all predicated by popularity. If ultimately it doesn’t prove all that popular I can’t see investing a huge amount of time on new content. Fortunately I think even in the worst case scenario, what’s written should still be of use to new and returning developers.

So, in a rather large nutshell, that’s why I’m taking the approach I have and my goals for this series. Hope that made sense and you didn’t fall asleep reading it. :wink:

EDIT - I suppose in the end what I am working on is very similar in scope to the in progress programmers guide. As I said earlier, multiple options are almost never a bad thing, much as multiple books can cover the same subject and succeed.

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So true :smile:

And yeah, this is the biggest factor… I must agree :smile:

Nice one @Serapth, I like the way you think :slight_smile: and I believe there will be a big demand for beginner-friendly tutorials like the one you’re making so there’s a big chance you’re tutz will become famous, especially when you cover the ones I’ve mentioned (coz no one barely does a tutz on that lol, no competition at all) cheers brah! :smile:

Well, looking at what you have done so far, you’re meeting your goal!

Fantastic stuff!

Please keep it up -

Next part is up, Game Loop, Updates and Action handling. Topics covered include scheduling to receive updates, creating the various actions, controlling their execution, etc.

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Sadly I think I am going to stop developing this series, at least for now. I’ve enjoyed it, and I like working with Cocos2d-x, it’s just not getting enough traffic to really make the time investment worthwhile.

If for some reason traffic starts to pick up, I will continue publishing more parts.


That’s a real shame :frowning:

We (the cocos2d-x community) should tweet / fb/ Google+ about your blog to get more traffic to it, so you can write more !

Even if you don’t, I think you’ve contributed greatly - so thanks!

That’s really sad!

I hope in the future you will get more traffic and the series will continue! I think the traffic can be increased extremely if cocos2d-x could announce your tutorialseries on facebook.

Yeah, even I think that if it is requested to moderator then they may add it in cocos2d-x news so that becomes and known to every member of the community…

Sometimes it takes awhile for people to find out about these tutorials, or maybe they bookmark it (like I did) with the intention of going back when they have time.

I would encourage you to keep going as I think you are going a far superior job than most when it comes to tutorials for cocos2d-x. The biggest draw for me is the language you use in explaining and the sample code. You don’t make assumptions about your readers knowledge. I dislike video tutorials so I’m pretty biased towards a good old fashioned web series like yours.

The added benefit of doing them beyond helping others is to really crystallize your own understanding of the framework. You might not even realize how much creating these have helped your development.

Anyway, thanks for what you’ve done so far and hopefully we can look forward to more in the future.

Thanks for the encouraging words folks, I certainly appreciate them. Like I said, I will keep an eye on traffic and if I see an uptick in interest, I will certainly keep developing them. I actually question if it’s the fact that the tutorials are English language and the majority of Cocos2d-x users may not be? I have realistic expectations of traffic, and certainly realize it takes time for organic traffic ( Twitter, Search, etc ) to pick up, but traffic from traditional sources ( like Reddit for example ) were just abysmal. The series isn’t even rating in the top 50 traffic sources right now on GFS for example. Again, a bit perplexed it turned out this way. What’s even more confusing is the Cocos2d-HTML tutorials I did years ago actually performed extremely well, even after becoming quite outdated.

@nat, you are completely correct, that’s part of what I love about working on tutorials across so many technologies. I certainly do learn more as I right them, both about the framework and about programming in general. As an indirect result, the tutorials do have a tendency to improve as time goes on. :smile:

Again, thanks all for the encouragement. Hopefully I do see an increase of interest and can resume the series in the future.

Not sure I understand your meaning - are you saying you are disappointed your blog isn’t in the top 50 internet traffic sources ? (I’m not sure what GFS is except google File System)

No, I mean off all the pages, tutorials, etc on the site, the Cocos2d-x isn’t even too 50. I found this pretty shocking actually.

We will constantly keep updating our tutorials on YouTube, we have over 60 tutorials in the Cocos2d-JS series

The first time you plugged your tutorials in this thread, without contributing anything else, it struck me as tactless.

To do it a second time is beyond the pale.

Stay classy SonarSystems, stay classy.


Just trying to help the community.

Ah! That makes more sense.

I just went to your home page and noticed:

There’s no direct link to the cocos2d-x C++ tutorials on the home page

If you look in the tag cloud, there is a link to cocos2d not cocos2d-x; clicking on this takes you to the most recent tutorial (which is totes awesome, BTW!!)

so I wonder if the lack of traffic to those pages could be because people aren’t finding them even if they visit the site? Certainly someone searching for cocos2d-x info isn’t going to find it so easily when the link is cocos2d without the -x

I’m not trying to be critical or negative here - I really want you to improve the SEO so you get the traffic so you continue the tutorials!

Perhaps also spamming other posts with links to your tutorials would help (kidding! but if you do see posts asking questions about stuff you have covered, I would make a point of answering with a link - this helps people searching these forums, and also helps SEO

Hi Maxxx,

Thanks so very much for the advice. I appreciate your help.

I really really really need to rework the interface for the site. I’ve slowly started making improvements, like adding ToC, Next/Prev to tutorial posts. The menus across the site border on uselessness since they havent been maintained in ages. Additionally some of the content highlighted on the left is starting to get a bit dated.

To date, I’ve mostly just listed more popular content on the side bar. I’ve meaning meaning to replace it with something a bit more… well, less ugly, for ages now. Problem is, I dedicate most of my time dedicated to creating content and very little toward presenting it.

At the end of the day though, internal navigation is mostly about page views per visit. I hover around 2.5 and it is certainly a stat I want to increase over time. My actual challenge here though is incoming traffic. What was a bit disheartening was seeing some top 20 and even a few top 10 Google page returns for Cocos2d-x search terms, something I only expected to see over a long period of time as I added more and more content. The impressions and click through numbers here though were quite discouraging.

In thinking about it a bit more, beyond the heavily skewed to a non-English demographic, I am wondering if its the Cocos2d name that is actually causing problems. There is just SOOOOOO much content labelled Cocos2D thanks to the family history. Perhaps this dilutes discoverability as a result. The HTML5 series got over this because people explicitly searched for HTML5. Cocos2d-x on the other hand isn’t so clearly defined. Well that and for ages that series was directly linked from the Cocos2d-x-HTML documentation page. That obviously made a huge help.

Apparently though, there are about 60 YouTube video’s out there I can spam my links too… that should help! :wink:

Yea - I’m sure it is! Especially as Cocos2d-x is now also cocos3d-x!

Would have been a good time to rename it, I think.