Need some basic solution for a Tower defense game

Hi guys, i am learning cocos2dx and want to apply what i learn along the way into a Tower defense game.
Most of the TD games, monsters have one or two paths to run on, if they reach the end of the path player lose. I am thinking about a TD where player start with a map that have their base on the middle, all of the map will be walkable for the the monster and the monster will find the shortest way to the player’s base. Player can add obstacles on the map to block, redirect monster walk path. But i am wondering on how to add obstacles on the map:

  • Do i add obstacles as a sprite with static body?
  • Or add obstacles as a tile in tilemap and set it property to not walkable so monster can’t go pass that tile?

Anyone who did this kind of game before have any experiences about this problem can you share some insight?

I think you can do either just fine. Some games use both even.