Need help with Eclipse can't compile project

OSX Lion
sdk r16
ndk r7
eclipse 3.7.1 with ADT

everything seems fine, I can create android project with the script, I can use the to compile the project, but when I open it with eclipse, I can’t compile it.

error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at ‘icon’ with value ‘@drawable/icon’). AndroidManifest.xml /test7 line 9 Android AAPT Problem

game_demo cannot be resolved or is not a field /test7/src/com/test/test7 line 45 Java Problem

any clue will do, thanks.

Have u changed path’s ? It seems that it just cant find resource folder with is usualy in cocos2d-x default dir.

I changed the for the right path, it can build, no error.

The thing is when I open the project with Eclipse, I can’t compile it because of the errors I post above.


I have just downloaded the latest version of cocos2d-x and get the same issue on Ubuntu.

Did you solve this issue?


For those interested, got it running with doing :-

  1. copy the icon.png from the sample ’HelloWorld/android/res/drawable-[hlm]dpi/ dir to the new project locations.

  2. comment out lots and lots of @OverRide for methods that eclipse complains about.

With these, it compiles (without errors) (still warnings) and runs on the simulator.


error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at ‘icon’ with value ‘@drawable/icon’). AndroidManifest.xml /test7 line 9 Android AAPT Problem


This can also be corrected by replacing the text “icon” with “ic_launcher” in the android manifest XML, as the filename in the resources folder by default is “ic_launcher.png”
