Multiple problems have occurred

I have game code which works fine in the browser. But if I try to run it for windows I get the following message:

Note: in spite of having that message, the game window still opens and I can play, but performing some actions is giving me some errors in the console, for example:

jsb: ERROR: File C:\Users\zhangchuanwei\Documents\cocos\PrebuiltRuntimeJs\frameworks\js-bindings\bindings\auto\jsb_cocos2dx_auto.cpp: Line: 8536, Function: js_cocos2dx_EventListenerTouchOneByOne_isSwallowTouches
js_cocos2dx_EventListenerTouchOneByOne_isSwallowTouches : Invalid Native Object
JS: E:/eclipseworkspaces/cocosws/Paranoia/runtime/win32/script/jsb_cocos2d.js:1731:Error: js_cocos2dx_EventListenerTouchOneByOne_isSwallowTouches : Invalid Native Object

can you reproduce this bug and email the log files to ?
the log file is in ide install directory

Sure, I’ll do it tonight when I get home.

I have got your logs, thank you!

According to your logs, maybe you can try to delete the debug config and debug again.


I’ll try that tonight and tell you how it went.


Uhm… I don’t see anyway to accomplish that in the menues, nor does it seem to exist a folder or file that I can delet…

In Preferences/Debug all I see is this:

And that “Restore Defaults” doesn’t seem to be doing anything… Any help?

Menu: Run->Debug Configurations

Nope, sorry, that’s not helping me…

Could you please show me a screenshot of the window I should be getting to?