Multi-touch MenuItem in cocos2d-x 3.x?

Anyway to do multi-touch in cocos2d-x 3.x? I want to be able to touch 2 menu items at the same time.

Appreciate any suggestions or possible solutions? :smile:
I am hoping not to roll my own :frowning:


If you add the menu items to separate Menu’s, and you have multi-touch enabled for the platform, then you can subclass the menu item type you want and override the selected and unselected methods:

virtual void selected();
virtual void unselected();

For some goofy reason, in Cocos2d-x, multi-touch is disabled by default on iOS and enabled by default on Android and WP8.1. I opened a github issue for it a while back, but it was closed with no resolution.

If that doesnt meet your needs, you might want to look into this:

Hi Heyalda,

AWESOME that works! Thank you very much!!

For the “touch pad” solution I just check on update() if button is selected or not calling selected()