More than 5 touch events seem to reset the touch vector on iOS


I am currently struggling with multi touch on iOS. It works until I have 5 fingers on my device. But the moment I put a 6th finger on my iPhone it does not register another touch input, which is fine since the iPhone only supports up to 5.

But the moment I put the 6th finger on my device none of the older touch events are working anymore. If I move the fingers, they do not trigger onTouchesMoved events and if I lift one finger and put it back down it tells me that there is only one touch event.

I am using the cocos2d-x multitouch test

And added
[eaglView setMultipleTouchEnabled:YES];

in my

All best

Yeah, I didi a pull request for this, see here:

It has been merged so will be fixed in the next version or if you download the latest repository. Or just search for “static const int MAX_TOUCHES = 5;” and change it to 15.


I guess you are talking about

class EventTouch : public Event
static const int MAX_TOUCHES = 15;

But changing this, did not fix the problem. It is still the same.

Ah sorry, I didn’t read your whole post, ignore that advice.

I think this is probably related to a problem I saw with gestures too, where you start a gesture on iPad but don’t finish it or leave the screen and then the touchesMoved and Ended’s don’t happen.

I will take a look at the code when I can and get back to you, probably Monday.