Missing info in the new API reference, lock of data on the new CocosStudio

Im looking in the new API reference :
and i can’t find any any thing about : CSLoader
and the search doesn’t work .

About the CocosStudio
Ican’t find any data about the .csd file type ( which is scene type i guess ) and how to work with it .

Also no info about he new CocosStudio Button advance section , how to use it

What is there in past API-references?

Edit: I am also adding Cocos Studio docs to this site as well. Day by day. Should hopefully be done today. I am running into small things that are taking more time.

Sure. understood about the API
what about cocos studio stuff ?

I am working on merging the Cocos Studio docs.

You can also browse the GitHub repo here to see if you can find anything. If you don’t let me know and I will get someone to answer your question.

found it here about the callbacks question:

found here about scene :

but didn’t found any reference about the .csd file format and how implement it in c++ code .

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Let me see what I can do to help, but also our teams in China are beginning celebrating the Chinese New Year, so it might take a few days to get a response.

You can inspect the test app with the framework to see the implementation of all features like this.

I do inspect the test app ,
the .csd file type is only Appears in ActionTimelineTestScene.cpp
that looks like this :

Node* node = CSLoader::getInstance()->createNodeWithFlatBuffersForSimulator("ActionTimeline/TestAnimation.csd");
    ActionTimeline* action = cocostudio::timeline::ActionTimelineCache::getInstance()->createActionWithFlatBuffersForSimulator("ActionTimeline/TestAnimation.csd");  

But i have 2 problems here :
1 . i like to know how to load the csd as full scene if i can , i dont know . also i need to know what this file structure
in terms of what data i can get from it
2 . CSLoader::getInstance()->createNodeWithFlatBuffersForSimulator is not in the new API reference , which is in the work.
Also i didn’t t found any CocosStudio project files in the tests i mean the : .ccs files .
Although i see directory named : cpp-tests\Resources\ccs-res

I am not sure that cpp-test does much with using Studio at this point.

Why not ? you guys are full force to push it forward … no?
at list this is my impression .
Took advantage of the developers who what to test it … not breaking their head to guess it .

Thank you for the feedback. I will bring this up in our weekly sync meeting.

can it be bug in cocosstudio ?
its display .csd files in the editor but on the disk its creates .csb files

I am getting added to the Studio dev team so that I can communicate directly with then.

Do you have a screenshot, perhaps that illustrates this?

On cocosstudio :

on disk

I see. Thanks. I will pass this along.

They are two separate files. My understand is the .csb is the binary representation of the .csd file. CocosStudio will create binary files when publishing because they are faster to load at runtime (in your game).

When designing in CocosStudio it edits the .csd files. They are plain text files, try looking at one in your text editing program. The .csb files are only created on publish/export. The .csd files are located in the ‘cocosstudio’ folder of your project.

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sounds logical .