Memory of cocos2d growing all time

I using cocos2d version 3.8.1

If i create a new cocos project and Run it.

If i go to administator(windows is control+alt+supr)
The cocos2d project growing memory all time!

Why? If i want create a phone applications this is a big problem.

How i can solve this? because this happens with a new project.

Thanks and sorry for my english

Growing memory usage normally stamps from poor asset management in the game. You can try organizing your graphical assets into various spritesheets / texture atlas. Then load the spritesheets needed in the scene and unload them when you are done with the scene. Just note that this approach will result in a slower loading time.

From the way I see it, it is not a big problem, otherwise no one would be using cocos2d-x for mobile.

Yes! sorry!!!
i was testing all night and the grow is fix between a range.
My fault! and very sorry!.

thanks for all