Loading next scene with a delay in cocos2d Html5

I have 2 js files. In first js on clicking a button am trying to load second js, which is another page. But before loading that I want perform some actions on same click. Its going to next scene b4 completing these action. If I don’t add loading method then its performing all actions. Can any one please let me know how can i load next scene after completing these actions. Please have look at my piece of code.

var actInterval = cc.ActionInterval.actionWithDuration(8);
var seq1 = cc.Sequence.actions(action3,action5,action1,fadeAction);
var seq2 = cc.Sequence.actions(action4,action6,action2,fadeAction,actInterval);
//***After performing runaction, I want to load following js

Thanks in advance.


If the time of seq2 is longer than seq1, You may add one cc.CallFunc to your seq2. Otherwise, please add the cc.CallFunc to seq1.

Sample Code:

var actInterval = cc.ActionInterval.actionWithDuration(8);
        var seq1 = cc.Sequence.actions(action3,action5,action1,fadeAction);
        var seq2 = cc.Sequence.actions(action4,action6,action2,fadeAction,actInterval, cc.CallFunc.create(null, cc.loadtestLevel1) );

No Its not working for me. :frowning: Can you suggest me some otherway?