lightning extension

Dear Sirs,

I port the lightning source to cocos2d-x platform according to

the lightning implementation is by using glVertexPointer, and so it looks like a little simple.

Maybe someone will need or improve them to more like the lightning effect. (0.7 KB) (1.9 KB) (0.6 KB) (1.0 KB)


yep… nice work… but i couldn’t use it… coz it gives me a compiler error… on

CCLightning* CCLightning::lightningWithStrikePoint(CCPoint strikePoint)
    CCLightning* lightning = new CCLightning();     >>>>>>>>>>>error: allocating an object of abstract class type 'CCLightning' 
    if (lightning && lightning->initWithStrikePoint(strikePoint))
        return lightning;
    return NULL;

CCLightning* CCLightning::lightningWithStrikePoint(CCPoint strikePoint,CCPoint strikePoint2)
    CCLightning* lightning = new CCLightning();  >>>>>>>>>>>error: allocating an object of abstract class type 'CCLightning' 
    if (lightning && lightning->initWithStrikePoint(strikePoint,strikePoint2))
        return lightning;
    return NULL;

error: allocating an object of abstract class type ‘CCLightning’

sorry, I missed something and will fix it tomorrow

No worries mate… looking fwd it to… :slight_smile:

This is amazing! You just gave me so many ideas for amazing games I could do!


I checked the source again and found they work fine. Because CCLightning inherited CCRGBAProtocol, it had to
implement the four functions in CCRGBAProtocol class.

virtual void setColor(const ccColor3B& color) = 0;
virtual const ccColor3B& getColor(void) = 0;
virtual GLubyte getOpacity(void) = 0;
virtual void setOpacity(GLubyte opacity) = 0;

CCLightning implemented them, too.

CC_PROPERTY(GLubyte, m_opacity, Opacity)
CC_PROPERTY_PASS_BY_REF(ccColor3B, m_tColor, Color);

GLubyte CCLightning::getOpacity(void)
return m_opacity;

void CCLightning::setOpacity(GLubyte opacity)
m_opacity = opacity;

const ccColor3B& CCLightning::getColor(void)
return m_tColor;

void CCLightning::setColor(const ccColor3B& color3)
m_tColor = color3;

There is a compiling error if those virtual functions are wrong. Could you check the files you downloaded again?
If anything wrong, please tell me.

best regards.

nuwan nara wrote:

yep… nice work… but i couldn’t use it… coz it gives me a compiler error… on
error: allocating an object of abstract class type ‘CCLightning’

I use Microsoft Visual Studio. The behavior of compiler may be somehow different so you may not reproduce the issue.

1>cclightning.h : warning C4819: The file contains a character that cannot be represented in the current code page (950). Save the file in Unicode format to prevent data loss
1>cclightning.cpp(19): error C2057: expected constant expression
1>cclightning.cpp(19): error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
1>cclightning.cpp(19): error C2133: 'vertices' : unknown size
1>cclightning.cpp(22): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
1>cclightning.cpp(74): warning C4244: '+=' : conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data
1>cclightning.cpp(76): warning C4244: '+=' : conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data
1>cclightning.cpp(106): error C2259: 'cocos2d::CCLightning' : cannot instantiate abstract class
1>          due to following members:
1>          'void cocos2d::CCRGBAProtocol::setIsOpacityModifyRGB(bool)' : is abstract
1>          d:\projects\library\cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.11.0\cocos2dx\include\ccprotocols.h(66) : see declaration of 'cocos2d::CCRGBAProtocol::setIsOpacityModifyRGB'
1>          'bool cocos2d::CCRGBAProtocol::getIsOpacityModifyRGB(void)' : is abstract
1>          d:\projects\library\cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.11.0\cocos2dx\include\ccprotocols.h(71) : see declaration of 'cocos2d::CCRGBAProtocol::getIsOpacityModifyRGB'
1>cclightning.cpp(118): error C2259: 'cocos2d::CCLightning' : cannot instantiate abstract class
1>          due to following members:
1>          'void cocos2d::CCRGBAProtocol::setIsOpacityModifyRGB(bool)' : is abstract
1>          d:\projects\library\cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.11.0\cocos2dx\include\ccprotocols.h(66) : see declaration of 'cocos2d::CCRGBAProtocol::setIsOpacityModifyRGB'
1>          'bool cocos2d::CCRGBAProtocol::getIsOpacityModifyRGB(void)' : is abstract
1>          d:\projects\library\cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.11.0\cocos2dx\include\ccprotocols.h(71) : see declaration of 'cocos2d::CCRGBAProtocol::getIsOpacityModifyRGB'

There are actually 6 functions the CRGBA protocol requires. If your class has no children, you can simply use something like

    CC_SYNTHESIZE(GLubyte, m_cOpacity, Opacity); 
    CC_SYNTHESIZE_PASS_BY_REF(ccColor3B, m_tColor, Color);
    CC_SYNTHESIZE(bool, m_bIsOpacityModifyRGB, IsOpacityModifyRGB);

However, if your class has children (eg, a layer or a control or something like that), then you need to also pass through the colours to children.

Normally, it follows this sort of method:

//CRGBA protocol
void CCControl::setColor(const ccColor3B& color)
    CCObject* child;
    CCArray* children=getChildren();
    CCARRAY_FOREACH(children, child)
        CCRGBAProtocol* pNode = dynamic_cast(child);       
        if (pNode)

const ccColor3B& CCControl::getColor(void)
    return m_tColor;

void CCControl::setOpacity(GLubyte opacity)
    m_cOpacity = opacity;

    CCObject* child;
    CCArray* children=getChildren();
    CCARRAY_FOREACH(children, child)
        CCRGBAProtocol* pNode = dynamic_cast(child);       
        if (pNode)


GLubyte CCControl::getOpacity()
    return m_cOpacity;

void CCControl::setIsOpacityModifyRGB(bool opacityModifyRGB)
        CCObject* child;
    CCArray* children=getChildren();
    CCARRAY_FOREACH(children, child)
        CCRGBAProtocol* pNode = dynamic_cast(child);       
        if (pNode)

bool CCControl::getIsOpacityModifyRGB()
    return m_bIsOpacityModifyRGB;

do not work
I fix few places for run this, but do not saw Lightning
it just was for opengl 1

hi,can you change the code for opengl 2.0. my opengl not well.and my english too.