libcurl with SSL support

Are there any plans to add SSL support to the libcurl which is built in to cocos2d-x? I’ve had horrible luck trying to even get curl to build for Android (tried three different platforms now), but based on my web searches there has been some degree of success.

Yes, we will support it if possible.

>> I’ve had horrible luck trying to even get curl to build for Android (tried three different platforms now), but based on my web searches there has been some degree of success.
What’s your meaning?

> I’ve had horrible luck trying to even get curl to build for Android (tried three different platforms now)…
What’s your meaning?

I first attempted to build curl under Cygwin on my Windows machine but ran into some issues that I’ve since forgotten.

I then attempted a build on an Ubuntu VM following the instructions laid out here: [[How_to_compile_libcurl]]. I got an error saying that “cannot find -lc”, which stymied me.

Then I tried on my Mac, but apparently it required an older version of both the JDK and the Mac SDK than I had on OS X 10.7.

It wound up being such a hassle, so I’m going to pursue alternate means to make SSH connections.