Learning Cocos2d-x by porting Prince of Persia

Main Goal: learn cocos2d-x
How: by porting the classic Prince of Persia to cocos2d-x
Final Cause: create a unique game that combine games like Prince of Persia, Flashback, Another World

Why prince of persia?
Because it was an integral part of my childhood, and it certainly was my most favorite one, and besides, who wouldnt want to recreate his own princeof persia? :slight_smile:

When did I start?
Exactly one month ago, i’ve scanned the web for a multi-platform game programming platform, and decided to give cocos2d-x a go, and I am very pleased with my choice.

I have created a youtube channel, which I will post a video, everytime I make progress, here is a link for Part 3 (latest atm) of my work:
So if anyone would like to keep progress with my work just go ahead and subscribe.

I would love to hear your thoughts, remarks, ideas, and everything the community has to say about it.
At the moment, the game plays well on the PC (Win 8.1) and on Iphone 6 Simulator.

Stay tuned,



Cool. Do you have a link to the original source? Or do you mean you’re just recreating it?

All I have are the spritesheets and the graphics, coding it from blank, no sourcecode.


I would have to say that it is a tough starting point. But if you get it right more power to you. The video looks very sweet. :smiley:

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Thank you :wink: I will keep it up!

That is a tough starting point, but it will be a fun experience for sure. I love this game and “The Sands Of Time” too. (IIRC that is the name)

This is AWESOME~

Thank you, quick update: I have just successfully compiled and ran it on my Iphone 5S and it’s working sweet…really exciting, will post it on my next video… :- )

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Can’t wait to play what this becomes.

Status Update:

  1. Added running and altering direction animation.
  2. The game is now running on PC 8.1 and Iphone 5S.
  3. Added touch to control the prince.

Windows 8.1: (Make sure to change quality to HD)

Iphone 5S: (sorry for the bad quality)

I wonder if you can publish it though? Like what would ubisoft say about releasing prince of persia? Nevertheless it does look nice.

Edit: I just noticed when I checked another world, which was one of my childhood game, that apparently it has had a sequel for 20 years called Heart of the alien, which I have never even heard of.