LeaderBoard and Admob Integration v3.3

I am working on v3.3 for android and I need LeaderBoards (through Google play services) and Banner ads(Admob). And analytics(I guess Google Analytics will be Good) too.

I tried to refer

And the same is present at

But it is too clumsy and also people got different problems!!..
So since I am new I don’t know whether that tutorial for v3.0 is still valid for v3.3

I am a new person so please don’t give me scattered links and would love if you could give me the order in which to refer even if they scattered!!

It would be of great help if someone give me pointer in reference to the above where integration with cocos2d-x is explained …

Thanxx :smile:

For Google Analytics, plaese take a look for this link.

please tell me if you have problem with the instruction.
I have succesfully integrate google analytics through this method.

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I tried to understand it through translate.google.com but I think I am not able to fill the gaps in what exactly I need to do as I am not having much prior experience…

If you understand japanese and english well and if you find some time to spare then could you please make us a tutorial for the community?
That would be of great help and I am sure people will appreciate a lot.

Also, when you make a tutorial just tag “slackmoehrle” in that so that he could put your tutorial to the wiki page of cocos2d-x.

Thanxx :slight_smile:

Also, note that I am working for v3.3!!


You can pretty much follow the tutorials at google itself, they are pretty good.
If you run into specific issues, search the web first, there’s a good chance someone else ran into it to.

Bottom line, make a start on it… Often, that is the hardest part…

use this one for both Leaderboard(Google play services) and Admob