LabelTTF that "rolls" up or down

I’m looking to create the effect of adding points (1 by 1) this is what I have

// start is our current amount, amount is the amount to change
void HudLayer::removePoints(LabelTTF* label,int start,int amount)
    for(int i = amount; i >= 0; i--){
        // ideally a wait call would happen here
        label->setString(std::to_string(start - i));

I looked for a sleep or wait call in c++ but found you need additional classes, is there anything in Cocos2dx to accomplish this?

Yes, there are at least two ways to do this off the top of my head.

You can use CCSequence and run an action with a delay:

CCFiniteTimeAction* const CALLBACK  = CCCallFunc::create(this, callfunc_selector(MyScene::callback));
// Wait one second before triggering callback
this->runAction(CCSequence::create(CCDelayTime::create(1.0f), CALLBACK, NULL));

You can schedule a function to run based on an interval:

// Interval of one second
this->schedule(schedule_selector(MyScene::callback), 1.0f);

Randy, why not use std::chrono::sleep?

slackmoehrle wrote:

Randy, why not use std::chrono::sleep?

I just did, it ended up freezing the screen that time then picking back up and the numbers were changed. It must be stopping cocos operations as well.

Reference for stopping time outside of cocos2d:

Thanks J I’ll try these out tonight!
Jgod wrote:

Yes, there are at least two ways to do this off the top of my head.

You can use CCSequence and run an action with a delay:

CCFiniteTimeAction* const CALLBACK  = CCCallFunc::create(this, callfunc_selector(MyScene::callback));
// Wait one second before triggering callback
this->runAction(CCSequence::create(CCDelayTime::create(1.0f), CALLBACK, NULL));

You can schedule a function to run based on an interval:

// Interval of one second
this->schedule(schedule_selector(MyScene::callback), 1.0f);