Label outside canvas position not rendering

Hi, in my game, the camera follows the player but the canvas object never moves. I have a lot of cc.Sprite rendering the background and they work fine.

The problems lies in the cc.Label and cc.RichText. I want to write instructions on the screen with thos, but they don’t render. When I make their node touch the canvas, they work, but I have a label about 30000px further than the canvas node and it does not render.

Any solution?

Please specify the version of Creator you’re working on.

I tried putting labels out of canvas and only scrolls into the screen by camera movement and it worked fine.

If you can post some screenshot showing your scene structure it would help.

Hi, I am working in cocos creator v1.5.1

Here is my scene structure.

I found a workaround by making the label’s node touch the canvas, but outside of that, my labels don’t render…