KindleFire bug?

I test my game on KindleFire and noticed ccTouchMoved(CCTouch pTouch, CCEventpEvent) is called even if I dont move my finger.
In my LG GT540 and my HTC WIldfire ccTouchMoved() is called only if I move my finger.

On android, you will always move the finger though you can not notice it.

Ok, but on my other android device this code

touchLocation = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL( touchLocation );
prevLocation = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->convertToGL( prevLocation );
float diff = ccpDistance(touchLocation, prevLocation);
if( diff == 0)
CCLog(“Finger move!”)

don’t produce any output message.

On Kindle I have more 200 message on second. I can’t move my finger so quickly =)