Keyboard Modifiers in cocos2d-x 3alpha


I recently migrated my project to cocos2d-x 3a. I’m implementing a in-game console that runs lua scripts during execution, mainly for devel/debug purposes. I managed to use the EventKeyboard Listener to dispatch KeyCodes to the console. But I don’t see anywhere in the documentation anything about modifiers (ALT, CTRL, SHIFT) or anything about virtual keyboard layouts. Is this still a pending issue on 3alpha? Am I supposed to filter the modifiers by hand for my specific layout?


You could raise a flag whenever one of these keys is pressed when another key is pressed while one of the flags are up, do a different thing.

For example, CTRL is keyCode 227. When you receive 227, you raise a flag called isCtrlPressed. Then when I press E (keycode 101), you’d check if the flag is up first before doing anything.