keyboard cocos2dx v3.0

anyone try keyboard on new cocos2dx version?
when i press and hold a key, it call the function onKeyPressed just one time. And it call sonKeyRelease

void GameWorld::onKeyPressed(EventKeyboard::KeyCode keyCode, Event* event)
    CCLOG("key press");


void GameWorld::onKeyReleased(EventKeyboard::KeyCode keyCode, Event* event)
    CCLOG("key release");


here is my output:
key press
key release
key release
key release
key release
key release
key release

the problem is i still holding the key, but it calls onkeyRelease function. How can i fix this. thankyou

I would also like this feature to be complete,
but since this is aplha it is to be expected.
Can someone at least tell if this is in to do list?

u can checkout

they have just modified some code in CCEGLView.cpp and pulled it to develop branch