Judder on first display of Sprite with SpriteFrames

I am currently creating an Animation with a set of SpriteFrames pre-loaded into an array from file at initialization.

During gameplay I am then creating a sprite and setting it to run the animation and this works fine, however the first time I do this, per unique set of SpriteFrames, there is a considerable judder and freeze which I am presuming is due to either lazy loading of the texture or upload to the GPU. The full set of SpriteFrames is fairly large however any subsequent creation of sprites with new animations using the set of frames there is no performance cost.

Does anyone know how I can avoid this or what I can do to force cocos2dx into loading these frames during initialization? (Or whatever else the performance cost could be).
I have tried creating a sprite and running the animation during initialization together with giving it a fake update but this has no effect, I’m guessing due to the load only happening in the visit() render loop.

The only last-resort solution I can think of is to fully add a sprite with the frames to the scene and run a loop during game load, but this is an awful lot of refactoring just to overcome this issue that I’d hope to solve in a better way.