Jsoncpp Incomplete type error in XCODE

i need ur help!

i’m used cocos2dx 3.3rc1 and jsoncpp-src-0.5.0

  1. create new cocos project (use cocos run)

  2. add jsoncpp library (folder path : project/libs/commons/jsoncpp)

  3. set project -> Build Settings -> Header Search Paths


and build

error: incomplete type 'Json::Reader' named in nested name specifier
error: incomplete type 'Json::Features' named in nested name specifier

what is this error message??

folder path is not wrong

i need ur help…!!!

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I got the same problem, anyone can help?

Post your header and include search paths

What version of Cocos2d-x?

What XCode version?

What Mac OS X version?

It’s Cocos2d-x CPP v3.6 XCode 8.3 (lastest) OSX Sierra

hmm, v3.6, it has been a while. Can you upgrade to a newer version? If not, I would start running down paths to see what exists and what doesn’t

I tried to upgrade, all the script works well but the layout which was created with older version of cocos studio (say, Cocos Studio v1.6). I tried to import the old UI files to the newer version of cocos studio but it’s completely broken, images scatter all around :frowning: So I guess I will still need to stick with CC 3.6 for now

You should be able to use v3.10 or v3.11 with Cocos Studio, at least. Search the forums here, there is a lot of conversations here about how folks are still using it today with newer Cocos2d-x versions.