It is possible to pass an Argument with schedule_selector??

How I pass an argument with a function which I want to scheduled…
Suppose I want to pass an argument with test function of HelloWorld class, How it’s possible??

And where i get the defination of schedule_selector function or working??

Any Help will be ThankFull…

No, you can not pass an argument to a schedule_selector.
schedule_selector is defined in cocos2dx/include/selector_protocol.h.

Thanks Minggo Zhang to clear my doubt. But I have one question.

Suppose I have such requierment to call a function with argument in some interval time…
then how I will achieve this functionality in cocos2d-x.
In cocos2d it is possible to call a function with argument at such interval time. How i got this functionality in coco2d-x…

Use a global variable.
before calling the schedule initialize it.

you can use actions to do you want.
sample code:

Thanks hex,
I Exactly want this.