Is there a way to debug or get error log on device

My game runs very well on any devices except the iphone/ipad of ios6, the resource loading always stop at 75%, if i can’t debug or get some error log on the device, what can i do for that?

Note: i am not sure if it’s some .png loading issue, only on ios6!



Please modify “debugMode” to 4(DEBUG_MODE_INFO_FOR_WEB_PAGE) at project.json in v3.0. it means that cc.log prints the information to Web Page. You can use cc.log(xxx) to find where the error is.

And please add “cc.IS_SHOW_DEBUG_ON_PAGE = true” at main.js 's applicationDidFinishLaunching function in v2.x.x.

Hopes to help.

Thanks David, I did it as you said in v2.2.2, but there is no error log on the screen, i have several games, they are all stopped at some progress when loading, i wonder if ios6 has some confict with our engine or my own code!

BTW, could you help me on this?

Great thanks!