Invalid object after HW key call (win32, Android)

I found strange behaviour.

I have mapped back buttons on HW back key. And there is difference between call from touch and from keypress.

So if I call buttonAction() from touch after “(m_pListener~~>*m_pfnSelector);” is m_functionName still valid.
But if I call the same action from HW key getNodeByTag)~~>activate():wink: m_functionName has bad ptr.

In win game still run, but on android crash.

void CCMenuItem::activate()
        if (m_bIsEnabled)
            if (m_pListener && m_pfnSelector)

            if (m_functionName.size() && CCScriptEngineManager::sharedScriptEngineManager()->getScriptEngine())
                CCScriptEngineManager::sharedScriptEngineManager()->getScriptEngine()->executeCallFuncN(m_functionName.c_str(), this);

void Game::buttonAction(CCObject* pSender)
    CCNode* node = (CCNode*) pSender;
    this->removeChild(node->getParent()->getParent(), true);