Init function with member reference

Hi cocos2dx,

I have a question about the virtual bool init function which I see in all sample projects and in the example code itself. I’m new in the coocs2dx framework but I worked with C++ before. I have the following code:

class MyLayer : public Layer{
    MyReference& ref;
    MyLayer(MyReference& ref);
    virtual bool init();

As you can see I have a member variable with a reference. Unfortunantely I can’t use the init function like normal cause I have to intialized the ref in the constructor like so:

MyLayer::MyLayer(MyReference& ref):

I understand the idea behind the init function. Cause the constructor does not return any value if the initalization was successful or not. But when I build up controls in MainMenu for example. I don’t need the init function cause I know it will not fail (in my example).

I just want to programm in the style like cocos2dx would recommend it. So is it mandatory to have the virtual bool init function? And if yes is there any possibilty to have a member reference?


Hi. You can delete override key for init function and have your custom init function with any arguments you like without any problem.